In solitude, where we are least alone.

Notes on The First Three Chapters from Asking the Right Questions





海绵 vs 淘金

  • 海绵:全盘性吸收
  • 淘金:选择性吸收

有正确答案的问题 vs 没有正确答案的问题

思考 vs 感受

弱批判 vs 强批判

  • 弱批判就是用批判性思维来防御。保护自己的论点。
  • 强批判就是用批判行思维来自虐。批判自己的固有论点。


Topic - What is the essay / book talking about.

Issue - A question regarding the topic.

  • Descriptive Issue - What / Why / … ?
  • Prescriptive Issue - Should we / Must we / … ?

Conclusion - The answer of the issue.

  • Indicators: Consequently, suggests that, hence, therefore, points, the truth of the matter is, …

Reasoning - In-between steps. Reasoning + Conclusion = Argument.

  • Inductive Reasoning 归纳 (yields stable conclusion)
    • Syllogism - 三段论。大前提 + 小前提 = 结论。
    • Proof by Contradiction
    • Proof by Contraposition
    • Mathematical Induction
      • Strong Induction
  • Deductive Reasoning 演绎 (yields unstable conclusion)
    • Listing reasons that support a claim
    • Analogical Reasoning
  • Abductive Reasoning 反演、反绎、溯因、外展、……(yields unstable conclusion)
    • 动机:条件有限,只知道很少很少的事实,但是又不能干等着什么都不做。例子:侦探小说,找出杀人凶手。
    • Find the best explanation.
    • And see if this explanation contradicts with itself / observations.
    • Observation = Anomaly.